Category Archives: portraits

dayton maternity: michelle

I met up with Michelle at her home to capture some images of her beautiful baby belly (which got a little bit bigger since the last time you saw her). I cannot wait to meet (and photograph!) this newest little guy or gal!

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dayton senior photographer: meredith

Meredith’s mom contacted me early one morning couple weeks ago, after we woke up to the most beautiful snow, to see about having some snowy senior photos taken (she has had photos taken each season of her senior year so far–what  a fun idea and a lucky girl!). I was just thrilled at the chance…


dayton senior portraits: hannah

Has it really been so long since my last post? Not for lack of being busy! The beginning of this year has been full of both behind-the-scenes work, getting ready for a busy upcoming wedding season, and some really exciting photo shoots–the first of which being the lovely Hannah’s senior portraits in downtown Dayton. She…